CHAUPADI: Banished for Bleeding (Movie)

All members of Radha Paudel Foundation have been happy to learn, that the movie “CHAUPADI: Banished for Bleeding” has been accepted for the Global Health Film Festival (GHFi) happening from Dec. 8th – 9th at the Barbican Center in London. The GHFi has been established in 2015 as a catalyst for discussion and change. We are keeping our fingers crossed for a successful show and hope for a lively discussion afterwards.

Breaking the silence about this taboo world wide is one major concern of Radha Paudel Foundation. Only if social issues are brought to the awareness of people, social change change be started. Radha Paudel foundation is tirelessly working to aware people in Nepal but also abroad on this malpractice with the hope that day every woman can have this natural process of bleeding in dignity and within the save and supporting environment of a understanding home.

For all those of you who can’t make it to the festival, you see the video below:


A big thanks again you to everybody, who was involved in making this video ….

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