Radha Paudel Foundation extended its solidarity against the attack over witchcraft allegation to Women Human Right Defender (WHRD), Ms. Rajkumari Upadhyay, 55 years old in Ghatntaghar Birgunj, September 26, 2017.
Radha Paudel attended a protest rally and addressed corner assembly. She demanded the justice for her as well as demanding the safety of human right activists with special attention of WHRDs. She handed over a cheque of Nrs 10,000 to Rajkumari’s daughter Rashna Dhakal.
Afterwards she visited the hospital where Rajkumari was admitted. Sadly her condition was not good so she had talked with duty Drs. nurses. See also the article in Kathmandu Post.
See a video of the protest on our YouTube-Channel.